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A list of community-run nodes can be found here.

In this chapter, the reader will learn how to install the official "mavkit-client" and "mavkit-admin-client" applications and run them using the Command Line Interface. These commands call on the remote procedures of a Mavryk node (local or remote). There are many commands, but we'll see some examples.

Connecting to the network

The mavkit-client and Mavryk RPC need to connect to a Mavryk node. You can connect to your own mavryk node, or you can use a community node. In both cases, you can set it for the mainnet or the testnet.

You can find a list of community nodes here.

If you use a testnet, you are going to need free test Mav which you can get here.

Mavryk RPC (Remote Procedure Call)

RPC[1] is a client-server protocol where the requesting program is the client and the program providing the service is the server.

Mavryk nodes provide a JSON/RPC interface to interact with the Mavryk network. Although it uses RPC and is JSON-based, it does not follow the JSON-RPC protocol.

A complete list of calls is available here. Make sure to check the protocol version before you use these calls. The available calls in the Atlas protocol are here.

RPC examples

GET 'block'

This call returns all the information about a block. But the associated metadata may not be present, it depends on the history mode and block's distance from the head.

GET [node_url]/chains/[chain_id]/blocks/[block_id]

Here is an example, of how to get the block number 3000000 from the mainnet using ECAD Labs node:


To test this call, simply click the address above (or copy-paste it, to open it in your web browser). You'll discover a pretty long JSON object. Depending on the used browser, the visualization may be better (e.g. Firefox will format the appearance to make it easier to read).

GET 'contract storage'

This call accesses the storage of a contract.

GET [node_url]/chains/[chain_id]/blocks/[block_id]/context/contracts/[contract_id]/storage

Example to get the storage of contract KT1Hkg5qeNhfwpKW4fXvq7HGZB9z2EnmCCA9 from block 3000000 on the mainnet using ECAD Labs node:


You can test this call exactly the same way as the "GET block" call.

mavkit-client (CLI)

mavkit-client is the official client to interact with a Mavryk node via RPC. Let's take a look at the installation and some examples.

How to install the mavkit-client

On Mac OS with Homebrew

brew tap serokell/tezos-packaging-stable
brew install mavkit-client

On Ubuntu with binaries

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:serokell/tezos && sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install mavkit-client -y

On Fedora with binaries

dnf copr enable -y @Serokell/Mavryk && dnf update -y
dnf install -y mavkit-client

From sources with OPAM

Connection to a node

Below we'll connect to a community node ( on the Basenet testnet. We'll use the --endpoint parameter to update the configuration of the Mavkit Client on a Ubuntu system:

mavkit-client --endpoint config update

The result should look like the lines below:


This is NOT the Mavryk Mainnet.

Do NOT use your fundraiser keys on this network.

On Ubuntu, the config file should be written in "/.mavkit-client/config" under your "home" folder. For example after the last command, the all new "config" file look like this (with Nano):

{ "base_dir": "/home/userName/.mavkit-client",
"endpoint": "", "web_port": 8080,
"confirmations": 0 }

Account funding

To get free mav on testnet, you must first have generated a mavryk account. If not, you can generate one with the following command:

mavkit-client gen keys my_account

You can now retrieve the generated address (the hash of the public key, it starts with mv1, mv2, mv3 or mv4) with the command:

mavkit-client show address my_account

The result should look like:


This is NOT the Mavryk Mainnet.

Do NOT use your fundraiser keys on this network.

Hash: mv1JFBMXXA9Gp7yQ9poExNLvZexqK5ZsJxR4
Public Key: edpkufA6kH6hw4ckZWWmYuLZpfwfXc9abiaEDLqH2iviFXnK9N4oct

You can now go to the testnets website, select your testnet faucet and request mav!

Mavkit Client user manual and version

For global options

mavkit-client --help

For command options

mavkit-client [global options] command --help

For version information

mavkit-client --version

On Ubuntu, the result would look like the following:

763259c5 (2022-12-01 10:20:58 +0000) (19.1)

The full commands' list on Mavkit client is available here.

Mavkit Client examples

Get balance

Get the balance of an account:

mavkit-client get balance for [account_id]

Example with our previously registered user "my_account":

mavkit-client get balance for my_account

The response:


This is NOT the Mavryk Mainnet.

Do NOT use your fundraiser keys on this network.


The previous response is also a way of checking if the account is activated on the testnet (first transfer).

Get timestamp

Get the UTC of the latest downloaded block. Keep in mind, timezones may differ from your local time:

mavkit-client get timestamp

Result example:


This is NOT the Mavryk Mainnet.

Do NOT use your fundraiser keys on this network.


List known addresses

This call only lists registered implicit accounts in your Mavkit client.

mavkit-client list known addresses

Example response:


This is NOT the Mavryk Mainnet.

Do NOT use your fundraiser keys on this network.

my_account: mv1JFBMXXA9Gp7yQ9poExNLvZexqK5ZsJxR4 (unencrypted sk known)

List known contracts

This call lists all registered accounts, implicit and originated in your Mavkit client.

mavkit-client list known contracts

Our example:


This is NOT the Mavryk Mainnet.

Do NOT use your fundraiser keys on this network.

my_account: mv1JFBMXXA9Gp7yQ9poExNLvZexqK5ZsJxR4

Everything is correct: We don't have any originated account and only one implicit account!

Transfers and receipts

The command below transfers 42 ṁ from the account user1 to user2 (you can use a Mavryk addresses directly):

mavkit-client transfer 42 from user1 to user2

Notice that you can specify the maximum fee for this operation appending, "--fee-cap" (defaults to 1.0). The network would determine the actual fee, lower than this cap:

mavkit-client transfer 42 from user1 to user2 --fee-cap 0.9

You can also add "--dry-run" or "-D" if you want to test and display the transaction without finalizing it.

For our example, let's generate another account and feed it with mav from the faucet website:

$ mavkit-client gen keys my_account_2
$ mavkit-client show address my_account_2
Hash: mv19Wv6UMovyVRKycBDhvYjc177sxR81MfwY
Public Key: edpktfqbZHfRRSRcJ86hqxQZvgfFMLwR6zMZAXA5UgE81L7WqHt579

Let's verify the balance (and activation):

mavkit-client get balance for my_account_2

Response (without the warning message):


Let's finally try a transfer of 1.5 ṁ from my_account_2 to my_account with a 0.5 ṁ fee cap:

mavkit-client transfer 1.5 from my_account_2 to my_account --fee-cap 0.5

Response (without the warning message) should be:

Node is bootstrapped.
Estimated storage: no bytes added
Estimated gas: 1000.040 units (will add 0 for safety)
Estimated storage: no bytes added
Operation successfully injected in the node.
Operation hash is 'oocBxnYDf8qiT3EmRFZxR9axGKqEJMxWnFAnzN5Dwz8QFxUe89Z'
Waiting for the operation to be included...
Operation found in block: BLzxBbdk1yq61Z3U36652RBxMM6PMfitA53Rk3xFiZpMX9yQZVa (pass: 3, offset: 0)
This sequence of operations was run:
Manager signed operations:
From: mv19Wv6UMovyVRKycBDhvYjc177sxR81MfwY
Fee to the baker: ṁ0.00036
Expected counter: 12102064
Gas limit: 1000
Storage limit: 0 bytes
Balance updates:
mv19Wv6UMovyVRKycBDhvYjc177sxR81MfwY ... -ṁ0.00036
payload fees(the block proposer) ....... +ṁ0.00036
Revelation of manager public key:
Contract: mv19Wv6UMovyVRKycBDhvYjc177sxR81MfwY
Key: edpktfqbZHfRRSRcJ86hqxQZvgfFMLwR6zMZAXA5UgE81L7WqHt579
This revelation was successfully applied
Consumed gas: 1000
Manager signed operations:
From: mv19Wv6UMovyVRKycBDhvYjc177sxR81MfwY
Fee to the baker: ṁ0.000258
Expected counter: 12102065
Gas limit: 1001
Storage limit: 0 bytes
Balance updates:
mv19Wv6UMovyVRKycBDhvYjc177sxR81MfwY ... -ṁ0.000258
payload fees(the block proposer) ....... +ṁ0.000258
Amount: ṁ1.5
From: mv19Wv6UMovyVRKycBDhvYjc177sxR81MfwY
To: mv1JFBMXXA9Gp7yQ9poExNLvZexqK5ZsJxR4
This transaction was successfully applied
Consumed gas: 1000.040
Balance updates:
mv19Wv6UMovyVRKycBDhvYjc177sxR81MfwY ... -ṁ1.5
mv1JFBMXXA9Gp7yQ9poExNLvZexqK5ZsJxR4 ... +ṁ1.5

The operation has only been included 0 blocks ago.
We recommend to wait more.
Use command
mavkit-client wait for oocBxnYDf8qiT3EmRFZxR9axGKqEJMxWnFAnzN5Dwz8QFxUe89Z to be included --confirmations 1 --branch BLngFFgWJ1TJUgPTp4CLvnyGFzwhKrpcazRFysptBmhZKKH4w94
and/or an external block explorer.

Let's check both balances (testnet warning messages removed):

$ mavkit-client get balance for my_account

$ mavkit-client get balance for my_account_2

Everything is fine.

You can observe your actions on explorers like mvkt or tzstats:

OpenMavryk has a dedicated module on how to use an explorer.

Demonstrate ownership of a mv address

To prove that one owns a specific mv address, several options are possible.

Option 1:

Ask the wallet owner to send a transaction to a specific wallet with a specific amount. The risk of this method is that the verification happens on-chain, publicly and it involves transaction fees.

Option 2:

Choosing the data to sign

The mavkit-client enables that. Let's prove that an address is indeed the owner of a given address. The first step is to pick the data we want the owner to sign (the choice of the data to be signed is arbitrary). Let's take the ID of an Hic et Nunc NFT, for example: OBJKT#63886, and convert the data to hexadecimal to provide to the mavkit-client.

We now need to transform the ID OBJKT#63886 into hexadecimal format. To do so, we can use a website like:, ​ or the following bash script (written in a file, in our case

# content of

echo '0x'"`echo $1 | hexdump -vC | awk 'BEGIN {IFS="\t"} {$1=""; print }' | awk '{sub(/\|.*/,"")}1' | tr -d '\n' | tr -d ' '`" | rev | cut -c 3- | rev


> chmod +x
> ./ OBJKT#63886

Sign the data with the mavkit-client

The owner will have to sign the corresponding hexadecimal result with the mavkit-client.

> mavkit-client sign bytes 0x4f424a4b542332333438 for <OWNER_ADDRESS_ALIAS>

Signature: edsigtmihaqxqsbT5DRM39PaofMD9ibfNQgtVZFAmno1EtmFo8Co51nu9udgsepbSHhZNuntvpSGTCjksF3pssFvmRvPR3msEwi

Verifying the signature

Find the owner's address public key

To be able to verify the owner's signature, you need to retrieve its public key, by:

  • either ask the owner directly if he knows how to find it,

  • or retrieve it yourself from an explorer by looking for the "Reveal key" operation of the owner's address.

Let's retrieve it ourselves on MvKT:

  • Go to the wallet page (in our case:, and look for one of the first operations called "Reveal key" as in the example below. Once you find it, click on the brackets highlighted on the screenshot below, located at the top right of the page. ​
  • Once you open the JSON you should be able to see the public key like in the screenshot below

TzKt, RPC JSON view of an operation, the field &quot;public_key&quot; is highlighted


TzKt, view page of a mv account, the reveal operation is highlighted

Reveal public key operation

Import the owner's public key on the mavkit-client

Import the owner's public key on your mavkit-client with the following command:

(We used the ID of the Hic et Nunc object with the "_SIGNER" suffix as an alias to import the SIGNER's public key)

> mavkit-client import public key OBJKT#63886_SIGNER unencrypted:edpkutsvRtP75QQaYAfyhyw52u8Rt4ZkuTgfhYSKeVkTEh8bQAZ8er

Verify the signature

The final step is to verify that the signature matches the signer's public key:

> mavkit-client check that 0x4f424a4b542332333438 was signed by OBJKT#63886_SIGNER to produce edsigtmihaqxqsbT5DRM39PaofMD9ibfNQgtVZFAmno1EtmFo8Co51nu9udgsepbSHhZNuntvpSGTCjksF3pssFvmRvPR3msEwi

Signature check successful.

Mavkit Admin Client

The admin client allows you to interact with the peer-to-peer layer:

  • to check the status of the connections
  • to force connections to known peers
  • to ban/un-ban peers

To use the mavkit-admin-client commands, we need a node we can administer. In the above examples, we learned how to use remote community nodes. Let's now install a local node, we can pretend to be an administrator. This section will also be useful to follow along the Deploy a Node module.

We'll need several prerequisites. Main ones are Docker and Flexmasa.

For the demonstration, the installations will take place on a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 (x86_64/amd64 system minimal installation).

Basic programs

To avoid any shortage, install curl and build-essential:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install curl build-essential -y


Ubuntu's official guide here. For other systems please refer to the guides here.

Use the commands to allow APT to use repository over HTTPS

sudo apt update && sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates gnupg lsb-release -y

Add the Docker's official GPG key

curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg

Set the stable repository

echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null

Install Docker Engine

sudo apt update && sudo apt install docker-ce docker-ce-cli -y

Verify Docker installation

The following command test your installation:

sudo docker run hello-world

Modify the system "docker" group

sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER

At this point, please save your work and reboot the system.

Flexmasa (Flexible Mavryk Sandbox)

Thanks to Docker, the following command integrates Flexmasa (a Mavryk local test chain) and will start the Mavryk sandbox in the background:
docker run --rm --name my-sandbox --detach -p 20000:20000 \
-e block_time=3 \
"$image" "$script" start

Notice the port number set on 20000. After downloading images, the node should start in the background.

Let's bootstrap our new node and change our connection for it:

mavkit-client --endpoint http://localhost:20000 bootstrapped
mavkit-client --endpoint http://localhost:20000 config update

The sandbox also set two accounts. You can access their information with the following command:

docker exec my-sandbox $script info

You should get something like the following result:

Usable accounts:

- alice
* edpkvGfYw3LyB1UcCahKQk4rF2tvbMUk8GFiTuMjL75uGXrpvKXhjn
* mv1Hox9jGJg3uSmsv9NTvuK7rMHh25cq44nv
* unencrypted:edsk3QoqBuvdamxouPhin7swCvkQNgq4jP5KZPbwWNnwdZpSpJiEbq
- bob
* edpkurPsQ8eUApnLUJ9ZPDvu98E8VNj4KtJa1aZr16Cr5ow5VHKnz4
* mv1NpEEq8FLgc2Yi4wNpEZ3pvc1kUZrp2JWU
* unencrypted:edsk3RFfvaFaxbHx8BMtEW1rKQcPtDML3LXjNqMNLCzC3wLC1bWbAt

Root path (logs, chain data, etc.): /tmp/mini-box (inside container).

To use them, we need to import them:

mavkit-client import secret key alice unencrypted:edsk3QoqBuvdamxouPhin7swCvkQNgq4jP5KZPbwWNnwdZpSpJiEbq --force
mavkit-client import secret key bob unencrypted:edsk3RFfvaFaxbHx8BMtEW1rKQcPtDML3LXjNqMNLCzC3wLC1bWbAt --force

To check the accounts' activation, let's check their balances:

mavkit-client get balance for alice
mavkit-client get balance for bob

They should both have 2,000,000 ṁ.

See The Documenation for more Flexmasa examples.

Let's now install the mavkit-admin-client application.

How to install the mavkit-admin-client

On Mac OS with Homebrew

brew install mavkit-admin-client

On Ubuntu with binaries

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:serokell/tezos && sudo apt update && apt install mavkit-admin-client -y

On Fedora with binaries

dnf copr enable -y @Serokell/Mavryk && dnf update -y
dnf install -y mavkit-admin-client

From sources with OPAM

Admin-client use manual and version

Global options

mavkit-admin-client --help

Command options

mavkit-admin-client [global options] command --help

Version information

mavkit-admin-client --version

The complete listing of commands on mavkit-admin-client is available here.

We can finally try a few commands on our node.

Admin-client commands examples

Lists remote procedure calls under a given URL prefix

mavkit-admin-client rpc list [URL]

In our example:

mavkit-admin-client rpc list /chains/main/blocks

Would produce:

Available services:

- GET /chains/main/blocks
Lists block hashes from '<chain>', up to the last checkpoint, sorted
with decreasing fitness. Without arguments it returns the head of the
chain. Optional arguments allow returning the list of predecessors of a
given block or of a set of blocks.
- /chains/main/blocks/<block_id> <dynamic>

Dynamic parameter description:

A block identifier. This is either a block hash in Base58Check
notation, one the predefined aliases: 'genesis', 'head' or a block
level (index in the chain). One might also use 'head~N' or '<hash>~N'
where N is an integer to denote the Nth predecessor of the designated
block.Also, '<hash>+N' denotes the Nth successor of a block.

RPC with the GET method

mavkit-admin-client rpc get [url]

In our example, if we want the blocks:

mavkit-admin-client rpc get /chains/main/blocks

We get something like:

[ [ "BLXn8BL5mEUj4BMgh6DdSRShdmnVtz1pSVrtgkJ7WAKcXHpLj9H" ] ]

Now, if we'd like to have more details on this particular block:

mavkit-admin-client rpc get /chains/main/blocks/BLXn8BL5mEUj4BMgh6DdSRShdmnVtz1pSVrtgkJ7WAKcXHpLj9H

As a result, we obtain a long JSON descriptive object:

{ "protocol": "PsFLorenaUUuikDWvMDr6fGBRG8kt3e3D3fHoXK1j1BFRxeSH4i",
"chain_id": "NetXfpUfwJdBox9",
"hash": "BLXn8BL5mEUj4BMgh6DdSRShdmnVtz1pSVrtgkJ7WAKcXHpLj9H",
{ "level": 393, "proto": 1,
"predecessor": "BKu6mYuq2XHEM6RWGUZezodwMe32FLPECB6jF9xBQgHwedwXZkV",
"timestamp": "2021-05-25T15:28:42Z", "validation_pass": 4,
"fitness": [ "01", "0000000000000188" ],
"context": "CoUtK2oqBmhT4iR4ahpDyK1ZQetnUrqKCGSeKMD13hpwaP63oYxT",
"priority": 0, "proof_of_work_nonce": "756e6b6e00000000",
"sigg9EpfsEkHCQuHMvc9Bx5DbF3w9msCXkY4C5P4DE54coPZQrA53ACY62Mzq7V5hM1nRgGVdxXhhPNTcsy4Qwe61fiLDPYr" },
{ "protocol": "PsFLorenaUUuikDWvMDr6fGBRG8kt3e3D3fHoXK1j1BFRxeSH4i",
"next_protocol": "PsFLorenaUUuikDWvMDr6fGBRG8kt3e3D3fHoXK1j1BFRxeSH4i",
"test_chain_status": { "status": "not_running" },
"max_operations_ttl": 60, "max_operation_data_length": 32768,
"max_block_header_length": 238,
[ { "max_size": 4194304, "max_op": 2048 }, { "max_size": 32768 },
{ "max_size": 135168, "max_op": 132 }, { "max_size": 524288 } ],
"baker": "mv1FvAfkaTBkZApTANjjm6cDYYVvnjFgqn8W",
{ "level": 393, "level_position": 392, "cycle": 49,
"cycle_position": 0, "voting_period": 24,
"voting_period_position": 8, "expected_commitment": false },
{ "level": 393, "level_position": 392, "cycle": 49,
"cycle_position": 0, "expected_commitment": false },
"voting_period_kind": "proposal",
{ "voting_period":
{ "index": 24, "kind": "proposal", "start_position": 384 },
"position": 8, "remaining": 7 }, "nonce_hash": null,
"consumed_gas": "0", "deactivated": [],
[ { "kind": "contract",
"contract": "mv1FvAfkaTBkZApTANjjm6cDYYVvnjFgqn8W",
"change": "-512000000", "origin": "block" },
{ "kind": "freezer", "category": "deposits",
"delegate": "mv1FvAfkaTBkZApTANjjm6cDYYVvnjFgqn8W", "cycle": 49,
"change": "512000000", "origin": "block" },
{ "kind": "freezer", "category": "rewards",
"delegate": "mv1FvAfkaTBkZApTANjjm6cDYYVvnjFgqn8W", "cycle": 49,
"change": "40000000", "origin": "block" } ] },
[ [ { "protocol": "PsFLorenaUUuikDWvMDr6fGBRG8kt3e3D3fHoXK1j1BFRxeSH4i",
"chain_id": "NetXfpUfwJdBox9",
"hash": "oo2TDxCHBoYXVkzaxJZPXuAA9o27QzA8RRdw6YYuaUv1hxeurjU",
"branch": "BKu6mYuq2XHEM6RWGUZezodwMe32FLPECB6jF9xBQgHwedwXZkV",
[ { "kind": "endorsement_with_slot",
{ "branch":
"operations": { "kind": "endorsement", "level": 392 },
"sigVdHfmCxmj9z7WxvwPEiA9mnGZk5k2RNfyaj6z7nBoX7UusUMCtyZDC4bCbKGg557BCr2T41cB4SCpytQyJqxKAukgV6NL" },
"slot": 0,
{ "balance_updates":
[ { "kind": "contract",
"contract": "mv1FvAfkaTBkZApTANjjm6cDYYVvnjFgqn8W",
"change": "-2048000000", "origin": "block" },
{ "kind": "freezer", "category": "deposits",
"delegate": "mv1FvAfkaTBkZApTANjjm6cDYYVvnjFgqn8W",
"cycle": 48, "change": "2048000000",
"origin": "block" },
{ "kind": "freezer", "category": "rewards",
"delegate": "mv1FvAfkaTBkZApTANjjm6cDYYVvnjFgqn8W",
"cycle": 48, "change": "40000000",
"origin": "block" } ],
"delegate": "mv1FvAfkaTBkZApTANjjm6cDYYVvnjFgqn8W",
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28,
29, 30, 31 ] } } ] } ], [], [], [] ] }

Listing protocols known by the node

mavkit-admin-client list protocols

Example result:


Useful command to debug a node that is not syncing

mavkit-admin-client p2p stat

Though, in our case with the single local node, the result is not very interesting:

0 B (0 B/s)0 B (0 B/s)

What we have learned so far

In this chapter, we saw how to install the CLI. We also introduced you to simple remote procedure calls for a Mavryk node. Along the way, we understood how to connect to a remote community node or to a local node using a sandbox.

In the next chapter, we will learn in detail how Mavryk allows on-chain decentralized governance without relying on the problematic hard forks.

